HOW TO START Pay 350/- and purchase 01 LED BULB of 12W from company. After you make the payment You will get the PRODUCT PURCHASE CODE and Product. Product will be delivare at your home address by courier / speed post / ordinary post. Payment can be made at your nearest Stockist or Super stockist or deposit Rs.350/- in Company account. TEAM SALES INCENTIVE 1 Team sales incentive 100/- 2 First SET 1:2 or 2:1 3 After first SET 1:1 4 Daily incentive limit For Marketing Executive 5 set For Stockist 10 set For Super stockist 15 set 5 Product commission For Stockist 20/- Per product For Super Stockist 20/- Per product 6 To get incentive released Person has to compulsary 1 Left and 1 Right Direct FOR STOCKIST Investment 10000/- Against amount you get 20 Product Daily team sales limit 10 SET Product commission 20/- Per product FOR SUPER STOCKIST Investment 20000/- Against amount you get 40 Product Daily team sales limit 15 SET Product commission 20/- Per product MAGIC INCOME Persone can refer any number of direct referals, After your first two directs, all directs will be called as Spill. On every spill you will get Rs.50/-. You will get Rs. 50/- from first two referal of your all spills and their team.