sbs101solutions, free digital marketing training and certification

From birth to death, learning never stops. There's a balance you have to figure out, it never hurts to learn new skills but, it's also important not to end up as a jack of all trades and master of none. That being said, you have to start somewhere when learning something new and build from there. There are so many ways to learn something new, read a book, and watch a documentary, academia, online /distance learning, YouTube, instruction guides and much more. Understanding the importance of continuous professional development and honing ones skills is vital for progression. We all like self-improvement. We all like getting things for free. SBS initiative with the sbs101solutions is an award winning platform that allows those with any amount of existing knowledge - big or small, to improve their digital marketing skills. The new online course aimed at helping small business owners and digital marketers improve their skills –sbs101solutions. It covers everything a small business needs to know about using the web to promote their business. While the Internet is awash with advice and many companies offering digital marketing training, this particular venture has a number of very appealing features: It’s sbs101solutions themselves providing the training so you get a clear insight into how the search engine works. The system tracks and records your progress so you can learn at your convenience, dipping in and out when convenient. If you pass all the tests, including the final online exam you get a certificate showing that you have understood the lessons. I have been through all the lessons, done the tests and the final online exam and am now in proud possession of a lovely shiny certificate from sbs101solutions.

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  • 19 July, 2018
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