Dear all MLM LEADRE,S AND ALL OF YOU WHO WANT TO BE BECAME A MILLIONAIRE THROUGH MLM , THE YOU CAN GET IT NOW , FOR MORE DETAILS , CALL ME FOR TOP AND INDIA LEVEL SUPPORTING POWER LEG &  REGISTRATION PINS FREE FOR LIMITED TIMES, MOB. 91 8109000966, BIPIN SHAH Qbule Advertising and Marketing Solutions Limited PPT Qbule Advertising and Marketing Solutions Limited PPT Presentation Transcript    1. WORK FROM HOME PROGRAMMEONLINE ADVERTISINGMARKET RESEARCHPRODUCTSSERVICES    2. SERVICES OFFERED BY COMPANY    3. Advertising    4. half trillionindustryOnline Advertising is a&hellip500 Billion DollarIndustry    5. &bull Internet advertising will grow 15.1 in 2013, while traditional media willgrow 2.3&bull Social media advertising spending will reach 11.07B in 2013&bull Digital video advertising spend will reach 5.4 Billion by 2016&bull Global online advertising is expected to grow 13 to 83 Billion in 2012, or 18 ofglobal ad spending&bull Facebook will earn 2.58 Billion from U.S. ads in 2012, 51 of its global adrevenue&bull Facebook ad revenue will reach 7.64 Billion by 2014&bull Internet advertising will increase its share of the ad market from 14.4 in 2010 to18.9 in 2013Email marketing is bringing in 40.56 for every dollar spent on it in 2011, comparedto catalogs ROI of 7.30, searchs return of 22.24, Internet display advertisingsreturn of 19.72 and mobiles return of 10.51.Source Direct Marketing Association "Power of Direct&ldquoAccording to the U.S Local Media forecast, several local media segments are ontarget to exceed this overall growth rate mobile search will grow 77.2, onlinevideo, 51.6 and social, 26.3. For some media, like newspapers, digital adrevenues will be their sole source of growth.    6. Worldwide Internet users2005 2010 2013World population 6.5 billion 6.9 billion 7.1 billionNot using the Internet 84 70 61Using the Internet 16 30 39Users in the developing world 8 21 31Users in the developed world 51 67 77Estimate. Per 100 inhabitants.Source International Telecommunications UnionInternet users by region2005b2010b2013a,bAfrica 2 10 16Americas 36 49 61Arab States 8 26 38Asia and Pacific 9 23 32Commonwealth ofIndependent States 10 34 52Europe 46 67 75aEstimate.bPer 100 inhabitants.Source International Telecommunications Union.    7. ONLINE ADS & INTERNET MARKETING    8. ONLINE ADS & INTERNET MARKETING    9. ONLINE ADS & INTERNET MARKETING    10. ONLINE ADS & INTERNET MARKETING    11. ONLINE ADS & INTERNET MARKETING    12. ONLINE ADS & INTERNET MARKETING    13. ONLINE ADS & INTERNET MARKETING    14. Market Research is a&hellip35 Billion DollarIndustry    15. MARKET RESEARCH    16. MARKET RESEARCH    17. Market Research    18. Rank Company Sales in 2009million USDGrowthin 1 Nielsen Company 9,056.0 2.62Kantar Group &ndash TNS, Millward Brown,BMRB, IMRB, International And ZimentGroup4,692 2.53 IMS Health Inc. 1,958.6 8.54 Gfk AG 1,397.3 5.45 Ipsos 1,077.0 6.56 Synovate 739.6 9.57 Symphony IRI Group 665.0 6.68 Westat 425.8 0.89 Arbitron 400.0    19. Advertiser Publisher Ad AgencyBusinessAssociatePro-customerOur Strategy    20. Display Ads Banner AdsLead GenerationE-mail MarketingMarket ResearchPPC CPM CPL Pop-up & Pop-undersWebsite Designing & Software SolutionsAudio & Video AdvertisingWebsite RentingSearch Engine OptimizationOnline News And Magazines    21. Lead Generation&bull Lead generation is a win-win for both the buyerand seller.&bull Continuous Pre-Qualified Fresh Leads in yourSales Pipeline&bull High-quality appointments with decision-makers&bull Significant Increase in Sales and thereby higherRevenue&bull Improve the sales team productivity with betterClose Ratio&bull Leverage the ROI on Sales Personnel StaffingCost&bull Scalability to expand or retract&bull Manageable Cost to suit your Budget&bull Eliminate challenges of managing bigger salesteam.    22. &bull Cheap&bull Wide range&bull Close relationship&bull Higher ROI&bull MeasurableThe USAs Direct Marketing Association conducts an annual review of the ROIReturn on Investment delivered by all forms of direct marketing. Emailmarketing is a consistent chart topper. For 2009, they predict an ROI foremail of US43.52. Thats over 43 returned for each dollar invested in emailmarketing.Email marketing costs are famously low compared to most alternatives. survey in 2008, for example, discovered that retailers incurred a typicalcost per order of US6.85 using email, almost the lowest of any form of onlinemarketing.    23. In October 2012, iContact email marketing by Vocus conducted a survey ofsmall and medium-sized business marketers that revealed the following 56 percent of businesses say they plan to increase their use of email marketingin 2013 64 percent of businesses coordinate email marketing with social mediamarketing 91 percent of businesses said email marketing was either helpful or very helpfulto their organization 90 trillion emails send annually 85 of all internet users access email There are more than 3.2 billion email accounts Today 25 of the Global population has an email address Email has higher CTR and higher ROI than any other channels The no. of worldwide email accounts is expected to increase from 3.2 billion in2012 to 3.6 billion in 2013 The Forester U.S interactive marketing forecast projects email marketingspending to reach 2.5 billion by 2016.    24. PPC CPA CPM CPL SEO Website Designing and Software Solutions Pop-up &Pop-unders Website Renting Online Magazine and News    25. A study from Marketing Sherpa shows that, in response to the economic downturn,companies are reducing print advertising budgets and focusing their efforts ononline marketing. 60 of companies surveyed said they were reducing their printadvertising budgets, and 48 said they were adding to their social networkmarketing and email campaign budgets Online audio advertising has proven to be successful on more than 240,000 audiosponsored sites, with more being added weekly Compared to TV ads, online audio advertising is much more targeted. They can bedelivered by regions and communities for geographic specific sites. They place adsrelevant to the visitors interest The 66,000 advertisers, with these 5 second ads, include many of the big 8advertising firms and Fortune 500 companies. The online audio advertising business is expected to grow from 19Billion to35Billion by 2012.    26. In-stream video advertising represents a huge opportunity for advertisers. In fact,it&rsquos one of the fastest growing segments of online advertising. Worldwide, around200 billion videos are watched online every month, reaching a global audience of 1.2billion people according to com Score - which means in-stream video ads havemassive potential for reaching advertisers target audiences.&bull more households will watch online video on their TVs&bull Online video is reaching more viewers&bull People spend 4.5 hours per month watching video on their PCs and 4 hours onmobile devices&bull Most advertisers pay between 11 and 25 CPM for video ads&bull From 2011 to 2016, video advertising spend will increase from 2 to 5.4 billion&bull Sixty-three per cent of advertisers plan to use in-stream video in 2012    27. Internet advertising will grow 15.1 in 2013, while traditional media will grow 2.3Email marketing is bringing in 40.56 for every dollar spent on it in 2011, comparedto catalogs ROI of 7.30, searchs return of 22.24, Internet display advertisingsreturn of 19.72 and mobiles return of 10.51.Source Direct Marketing Association "Power of Direct&ldquoAccording to the U.S Local Media forecast, several local media segments are ontarget to exceed this overall growth rate mobile search will grow 77.2, onlinevideo, 51.6 and social, 26.3. For some media, like newspapers, digital adrevenues will be their sole source of growth.In March of 2013, more than 13 billion online video ads were viewed by approximately182.5 million Americans. It is important to note that of the most recent census, thetotal population of the United States was approximately 312 million.No less than 84.5 of the United States audience views online video content.These ads accounted for 25.1 of all the videos viewed while only a mere 2.2 oftime spent viewing online videos    28. &bull Social media advertising spending will reach 11.07B in 2013&bull Digital video advertising spend will reach 5.4 Billion by 2016&bull Global online advertising is expected to grow 13 to 83 Billionin 2012, or 18 of global ad spending&bull Facebook will earn 2.58 Billion from U.S. ads in 2012, 51 of itsglobal ad revenue&bull Facebook ad revenue will reach 7.64 Billion by 2014&bull Internet advertising will increase its share of the ad market from14.4 in 2010 to 18.9 in 2013  WWW.QBULE.COM

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