make your daily income.. join Revenue Times

Revenue Times Plan -1. Working Incentive JobSpot It is a subscription Unit &ndash 10 JobSpot. Generates 1.5 day for 100 business days Monday to Friday You have to do some online work like website clicking, lead form filling, feedback etc. to get this incomeMaximum purchase allowed is 300 JobSpots out of which only 100 can be purchased out of the earnings from JobSpots, i.e. compounding. 2. Revenue Times sell following products1. Website Crafter 25 month &ndash Using this you can create own website even if you don&rsquot have programming knowledge. 2. Revenue Blogging System 3. Email Services4. Training Material3. Referral Incentive 1. Product referral Incentive &ndash Direct Sponsor commission 40 of Product Value- Grand Sponsor commission 20 of Product Value- Direct Sponsor Pass Over Every 5th commission Instance of Every Affiliate is passed to Upline who has active product means he has paid the monthly renewal 25 - Grand Direct Sponsor Pass OverEvery 3rd commission Instance of Every Affiliate is passed to Upline who has active product means he has paid the monthly renewal 25 Example- A &ndash Direct Sponsor of B & Grand Direct Sponsor of CB &ndash Direct Referral of AC &ndash Grand Direct Referral of A2. JobSpot Referral Incentive &ndash 5 Direct referral commission. 10 Binary on balancing of Binary treeBinary Payout Example - Left Right 1 1 1 2 2 23 3 3 4 4 4. .. .. .Basic concepts of Binarya. Qualification to Qualify for binary commission at least one direct referral on each side must purchase 1 JobSpotb. Level Balancing not required &ndash At every level your Binary tree need not be filled. Example In following example Binary tree of A is not filled C does not have any one in left. In this case also A will be paid for 2 2. AB CD E Dc. Carry Forward In Binary system power team the side having more binary points is always carried forwarded for the next day and the weaker side is paid for. Example Your "Left Team" there is a sale of 12 "JobSpots", and in the "Right Team", you have only 1 sale. In this case if you are at &lsquoBasic&rsquo level, you will be paid for 1 1 1 and the next day your binary table will show 11 0 Power team carried forwarded and weaker paid for.SIMPLE BINARY CONCEPT EXPLANATIONBinary compensation plans are characterized by having two legs, and only two legs. This makes them very simple. Revenue Times pay you commissions on your weak leg only &ndash the smaller leg that has less volume. This keeps most people focused on building their weak leg, which is also known as the pay leg in a binary compensation plan.Advantages of Binary Compensation PlansThe key advantage of a binary compensation plan is it pays based on volume. If you bring in orders, you get paid on them. There is no automatic cutoff beyond a certain number of levels as is the case in a unilevel plan or a forced matrix plan. While no plan pays unlimited depth even though some claim to the binary comp plan comes the closest.3 Important Rules to remember1. To activate BINARY you must have atleast 1 "DIRECT REFERRAL" on both side Left & Right, purchased atleast 1 JobSpot2. It is advisable to purchase at least one product 25, so that you qualify for higer levelsGold and above, and dont miss the PASS UP. 3. Pay the fee 10, when due. People who joined during Pre Launch, dont need to pay fee for 3 months.join with us bhengra team liberty09439365741email -

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