PRE-LAUNCHED plan START ON MONDAY, JOIN 349- WITH PRODUCT CMD Mineral Drops NO CUTING NO PAIR DEDECTION ONLY BINARY 250-PAIR 11,DAILY CAPPING 4PAIR,LIFE TIME POWER LEG CARRY FORWARD.DAILY INCOME 1000-MONTHLY INCOME 30,000- ON ONE 1ID.MORE ID MORE INCOME.SATH ME REWARDS & 40.OOO- NONWARKING AWARDS.DAILY ACCOUNT TRANSFER.SAFE & SECURE LIFE TIME PLAN.FULL & POWER LEG SUPPORT AVAILABLE FOR LEADERS..CALL FOR DETAIL-book your top pojition.       Binary Income                 First Pair 22 or Next 11 per pair Rs.250- Unlimited Depth                             CAPPING ONE CUT OF 2 PAIR PER CLOSING----           DAILY 2-CLOSING- PER DAY RS1000           PER MONTH INCOME - 1000 X 30 Rs.30000-             TWO CUT OF-6 A.M. TO 6 P.M. OR 6 P.M. TO 6 A.M.           Two direct Left & Right paid user will be compulsory for binary Income.           POWER LEG CARRY FORWARD             Level Pool Income Six Qualify Compulsory           DIRECT INCOME-you will get first level income Rs.60 one each user direct sponsored by you  Difference income working from level               SERIAL NO NO OF USER X RS INCOME   LEVEL 1 6 X 60 RS 360   LEVEL 2 36 X 20 RS 720   LEVEL 3 216 X 10 RS 2160   LEVEL 4 1296 X 10 RS 12960   LEVEL 5 7776 X 10 RS 77760   LEVEL 6 46656 X 5 RS 2,33,280   LEVEL 7 279936 X 5 RS 13,99,680   LEVEL 8 1679616 X 5 RS 83,98,080   LEVEL 9 10077696 X 5 RS 5,03,88,480   TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL INCOME 6,05,13,480                 NON-WORKING INCOME     PER CLOSING SERIAL NO NO. OF USERS   GROWTH BONUS INCOME   1 10   10   2 20   20   3 40   40   4 80   80   5 160   160   6 320   320   7 640   640   8 1280   1280   9 2560   2560   10 5120   5120   11 10240   10240   12 20480   20480   TOTAL USER 40,960 TOTAL INCOME 40,960         Example           Growth is 100--------------------------------- Rs. 40,960-     Growth is 50---------------------------------- Rs. 20,480-     Growth is 25---------------------------------- Rs. 10,240-     Growth is 10---------------------------------- Rs. 4096-Rewards Income       Next Pair Next Reward Image Next Time Limit 25 Executive beg worth Rs.250-              7 DAY             50 Mobile Nokia worth Rs.1200-      10 DAY  125 Digital camera worth Rs.3000-   20  DAY 250 Washing machine worth Rs.6500-   30 DAY 600 Laptop worth Rs.15000-   45 DAY 1500 Bike worth Rs.40000-           60 DAY 7500 Alto car worth Rs.2 Lac            90 DAY   Life Time Reward       Next Pair NEXT REWARD Image NO TIME LIMIT    15000 Alto car2 Lac   Life Time   45000 Tata Indigo cs5 Lac   Life Time   60000 Scorpio8 lac     Life Time   1,21,000 flat 21 lac       Life Time         ONLINE BANK TRANSFER   Self Pin Generate System Facility available from E-wallet only Admin Deduction 10                                                                                  Note- Bank transfer minimum amount of Rs 500- Pin transfer id to id 5th Pair Binary Rs.200 will deducted for online maintenance charges. TDS Deduction 10.3 .without pancard TDS will be 20. Admin charges 10  Weakly payment transfer on Saturday. Payment mode ECSN.E.F.TCHEQUE Non working income next to next payout will be the company growth is 100 closing basis. The company reserves the right to withdraw the target and incentive at any time without giving any prior notice or any explanation for doing so Incentives are subject to TDS and other taxes as per Govt. norms. some name id tripot & seven pot & maximum 15th pot only one pan card no. one User. Condition Apply Amount                   Joining Product Images 1 Rs.349- 1 P.V.  Note courier service charge Rs.30-Extra Bio Energy Pendant Bio magnetic fields are generated by many things, including solar storms, the earth's magnetism, power lines and even chemical reactions in the body. There have been many studies that have shown health benefits to magnets in jewelry and medical braces. The bio magnetic necklaces use these fields as a good source of healing power.   1.Pain In bio magnetic necklaces, the negative bio magnetic field can normalize metabolic functions that are disturbed and cause pain. They have proven helpful in healing pain for symptoms from arthritis to migraine headaches.     2 Rs. 399- 1 P.V. Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra branded watch- Reebok, Polo, CK Club, Benaton Club.   3 Rs. 399- 1 P.V.   Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra   Concentrated Mineral Drops CMD CMD is one of its type of natural mineral reservoir which is untouched by outer environment effects. CMD contains more than 80 minerals in the most natural Concentrated form which gives you excellent health benefits. CMD has been produced by using natural solar evaporation process & other organic approved processes. The quality of minerals depends on the water content mostly this varies geographically. Hawaiian Ocean is best source of minerals as it guarantees quality of minerals in its at most raw form. Prime CMD is obtained from the Hawaii Ocean, which is an endless source of true ionic trace minerals and the oxygenated micro and phyto nutrients and other associated compounds. The Hawaiian Ocean contains essential minerals including sodium, magnesium, calcium, bromide and potassium etc. 12 of these are very rarely available.         4 Rs. 475- 1 P.V.   5 pcs. Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra    Aloe All purpose Cream is made from pure natural active ingredients, such as Aloe vera & Wheatgerm Oil a natural source of Vitamin E.Every day your skin is subject to enviromental pollution causing damage to the skin cell. Vitamin E cream is a perfect solution to fight against such pollutants, giving you a smooth and wrinkle controlled skin, also delays the signs of aging. 5 Rs. 475- 1 P.V.   5 pcs. Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra PANCH TULSI BENEFITS Tulsi has a lot of benefits. It has super natural health curing qualities and helpful in all types of Allergies. It has beneficial effect on mind and body. It gives relaxation to mind and body. Scientists have also acknowledged the medicinal properties of tulsi. It keeps away the deadly fevers like Dengue, Malaria and Swine Flu etc .The intake of tulsi is the best way of intestine cleaning. It is very effective in any kind of gynae problem. tulsi is very effective in cough, cold, acidity, constipation, stomach pain, abdominal pain, and Viral or Seasonal fever, swelling in Lungs, hypertension, chest congestion, fatique, vomiting, obesity, arthritis, asthma, anemia, and ulcers. It removes the impurities of blood and increases the immunity of human body. It is very helpful in controlling diabetes. It has Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral Action.   6 Rs. 499- 1 P.V.   Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra Aloe Vera Juice  The Aloe Vera plant is renowned in the world over as a &ldquoMiracle Plant&rdquo and understandably, the juice derived from the pure pulp of organic Aloe Vera Plant leaves, has manifold benefits for the body, revitalizing, strengthening and detoxifying it in a natural manner. Specially manufactured under hygienic conditions, our Aloe Vera Juice is safe to consume and has no side effects. Highly demanded by the clients, the Aloe Vera Juice available with us is the best choice to lead a healthy and disease free life. Benefits Regulates and corrects digestive system Activates liver Protects heart from various diseases by decreasing cholesterol levels Strengthens immune system-increases immunity Reduces pain & swelling in joints Highly useful for diabetic patients Heals ulcers faster & relieves acidity Tightens & tones loose muscles Rids body of toxins naturally Aloe Vera contains 22 of 28 amino acids Enzymes present in Aloe Vera facilitate & enhance the ability of stomach & intestinal walls to absorb nutrients from the diet Gives relief to acidity patients 7 Rs 575- 1 P.V. 500 ML  Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra          Noni Juice Benefits  There are countless benefits mentioned in the many testimonials we&rsquove received from our satisfied customers. Gradually, a high percentage of the statements found in the testimonials are being backed up by scientific research. People with long-term chronic diseases sometimes see Noni juice as a last resort. Even though we know that Noni juice seems to have helped many sufferers with their condition, we can only recommend that people start taking Noni as a healthy beverage to supplement their diet. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Noni juice benefits can be divided into basically 6 categories Immune booster Noni is considered one of the most nutritious fruits. Many of its nutrients are known to stimulate the immune system. Digestive Stimulant Noni juice has traditionally been used as a laxative. Anti-oxidants Research has shown that Noni juice exhibits better antioxidant activity than grape seed extract and pycnogenol. Analgesic The Noni tree is also knows as the &lsquoPainkiller and Headache tree&rsquo. Noni has been found to be 75 as effective as morphine sulphate in relieving pain without the toxic side effects. Antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic With the presence of active compounds like anthraquinones, scopoletin and terpenes, Noni is effective against bacteria and fungus. Anti-inflammatory Noni juice has shown similar results to the newer over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs. Anti-tumor anti-cancerous Noni juice contains noni-ppt, which has shown anti-tumor activity     8  Rs. 599- 1 P.V. Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra Titanium Bracelets Health 1.Titanium has a property to attract and capture oxygen and transfer it to the body. Oxygen is known to relieve pain and inflammation of the body. Thus, wearing titanium bracelets near the inflamed areas helps reduce inflammation, by directing oxygen supply to that area. This is the reason, why arthritis patients with inflamed wrists benefit the most from titanium bracelets. Titanium bracelets for sports persons, especially tennis players are also useful for the same reason.     9 Rs. 999- 3 P.V 1000 ml Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra Aloe Vera Juice The Aloe Vera plant is renowned in the world over as a &ldquoMiracle Plant&rdquo and understandably, the juice derived from the pure pulp of organic Aloe Vera Plant leaves, has manifold benefits for the body, revitalizing, strengthening and detoxifying it in a natural manner. Specially manufactured under hygienic conditions, our Aloe Vera Juice is safe to consume and has no side effects. Highly demanded by the clients, the Aloe Vera Juice available with us is the best choice to lead a healthy and disease free life. Benefits Regulates and corrects digestive system Activates liver Protects heart from various diseases by decreasing cholesterol levels Strengthens immune system-increases immunity Reduces pain & swelling in joints Highly useful for diabetic patients Heals ulcers faster & relieves acidity Tightens & tones loose muscles Rids body of toxins naturally Aloe Vera contains 22 of 28 amino acids Enzymes present in Aloe Vera facilitate & enhance the ability of stomach & intestinal walls to absorb nutrients from the diet Gives relief to acidity patients 10 Rs. 199 Note courier service charge Rs.50-Extra  Bio lif