CALL for power leg ANKIT  9171328027 Business Plan Registration 1000- 5 Capons x 200- Advance Booking of Products Top Ups 12000- 6  Capons x 2000-  Income by Registration pins &ndash Rs. 4000-. STRONG BUSINESS INDIA will allot 4 registration pins worth of 1000-, Total 4000-. You can sale it or use it for any joining, in case of not using registration pins with in 45 days, company will pay Rs. 3250- Fix after deduction TDS & other Charges, repurchase 18.75, against Rs. 4000-. This Income is advance to see demos. Demo Income  Rs. 4000- per month for 10 months. STRONG BUSINESS INDIA will provide two demo every week on Sundays of it&rsquos own products, validity to see & earn Income by viewing these demos is only seven days, each demo costs Rs. 500- x 2 demos Rs. 1000- per week x 4 Rs. 4000- per months. Company will allot again 4 registration pins worth of 1000-, Total 4000-. You can sale it or use it for any joining, in case of not using registration pins within 45 days, company will pay Rs. 3250- Fix after deduction TDS & other Charges, repurchase 18.75, against Rs. 4000-. Direct Income 10 i.e. Rs. 1200- per Direct. Binary Income 10 i.e. Rs. 1200- per Pair.STRONG BUSINESS INDIA will pay 10 Binary, capping 2.5 Lacs per week, closing on every Friday. 1st pair will need one tail, i.e. 21 or 12 will be required for 1st pair, then pair will calculated on 11 basis. Payments Company will issue cheque after each closing Cash card option will also be available, shortly. Cutting TDS & Service Charges 15. For more detail and product detail pls email to