Earn Rs. 6000-..CARROD... www.dvmbusiness.biz 8866392687 8866397647 9712678044

CONTACT FOR MORE DETAILS 8866397647  8866392687 9712678044 www.dvmbusiness.bizRS. 50- KA ID LO OR 6000 CARROD KAMANEKA MOUKA LO SIRF DO SALME100 WORK 6000 CR INCOME50 WORK 3000CR INCOME1 WORK 60 CR INCOME0.1 WORK 6 CR INCOME Dhan Vruksh Marketing Private Limited &ndash Growth Beyond ImaginationStep Up PlanDVM Business introduces for the very first time the concept of STEP UP PLAN. STEP UP PLAN is such a structure which will take you from a very small Investment to a HUGE FORTUNE. Only With DVM Business you will be able to experience the POWER of a STEP UP PLAN.        With the INFLATION in our country rising up day by day, the dream of becoming Wealthy for a normal human being remains the dream forever. This is the fact that has inspired us to introduce the STEP UP PLAN. Come and join us to fulfill all your dreams and see them come true. With the support of DVM Business it has become possible to achieve the impossible.DVM Business PlanØ  Register with DVM BUSINESS by paying just Rs. 50- and become a Distributor in &ldquoRupees On&rdquo plan and receive a Holiday Coupon and then make 5 Distributors just like yourself.Ø  &ldquoRupees On&rdquo plan is your active plan in which you get payment for up to 8 levels. To start your income you just have to complete your first level. Along with this plan your 3 more plans will open which will be your inactive plans but as you work for &ldquoRupees On&rdquo plan in the same manner your other 3 plans will also grow as shown below        Ø  When distributor earns Rs. 500- or more as payout for the first time, company will deduct Rs. 500- and activate his &ldquoSilver&rdquo plan entry.Ø  For &ldquoSilver&rdquo plan distributor will get payment for up to 9 levels.Ø  Now as you have activated your entry for &ldquoSilver&rdquo plan, similarly help the distributors in your group to activate their entry in &ldquoSilver&rdquo plan and start getting payouts for &ldquoSilver&rdquo plan also.Ø  In the same way, to activate the entry in &ldquoGold&rdquo plan when a distributor earns Rs. 5000- from &ldquoSilver&rdquo plan for the first time, company will deduct Rs. 5000- and activate his &ldquoGold&rdquo plan entry.Ø  When the first payout of Rs. 50000- or more for &ldquoGold&rdquo plan is earned by a distributor, company will deduct Rs. 50000- and activate his &ldquoPlatinum&rdquo plan High Payout System.Ø  Payout happens every Thursday.Ø  It is advisable to activate the upper plan by doing &ldquoStop Payment&rdquo. If you have done &ldquoStop Payment&rdquo you will not receive the payout unless you reach the upper plan after which you will get regular payouts.Royaly IncomeØ  When a distributor becomes active in &ldquoPlatinum&rdquo plan he will start getting Royalty Income.    &ldquoGold&rdquo plan entries  x  Rs. 100- &ldquoPlatinum&rdquo plan entries  x  Rs. 500-Royalty Income ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                     &ldquoPlatinum&rdquo plan achievers Ø  Royalty Income can be maximum up to Rs. 10,000- every month.Ø  To receive Royalty every month a distributor should earn minimum Rs. 5000- income.

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  • 30 November, -0001
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