DHOOM MACHA DI Secret To Get Rich Now Launch 100 BONUS 6th,MAY,2013GET 30

         STORE FUND SYSTEM HAS BEEN RESTOREDALL NEW HELPING MEMBERSWILL      START GETTING STORE FUND WITHIN        15 DAYS AS PER BELOW SLAB30 DAYS COMMITMENT SHALL GET 60 OF HELP REQUEST60 DAYS COMMITMENT SHALL GET 110 OF HELP REQUEST90 DAYS COMMITMENT SHALL GET 130 OF HELP REQUESTSPECIAL INCENTIVES FOR NON C.T.MAll Participants Get Regular Referral Bonus5 on 3 Lac Individual Business10 on 10 Lac Individual Business15 on 25 Lac Individual BusinessOffer Valid Till 10th May 2013  Note All Leaders..What if I am not selected in the screening process?You will get 1 more chance after launch of business on 7th April 2013, Those who are selected initially but are not able to en-cash the advance 1 Lac in 10 days of  joining then the person who has completed all 3 screening process but not selected shall be given chance to become CTM.Be Positive ...Leader's 100 BONUS VALID FOR 5TH,MAY,2013100 BONUS VALID FOR 5TH,MAY,2013100 BONUS VALID FOR 5TH,MAY,2013                                              Register Free...& Earn Rs.1 Crore In 1 YearOnly 500 Leaders to be selected...    Id Status Date of creating Release Date Money Description Amount ToDay RCT1366 Confirmed- 07-Apr-2013 07-May-2013 10000.00 30 Credence Bonus 100 Offer 23000.00 RCT1806 Your own busines sell 12-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 22100.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 22100.00 RCT1810 Store Fund 12-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 13800.00 Store fund for safe deposite 13800.00 RCT1962 Your own busines sell 13-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 13500.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 13500.00 RCT2356 Your own busines sell 15-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 11800.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 11800.00 RCT2475 Your own busines sell 15-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 10800.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 10800.00 RCT2575 Your own busines sell 15-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 4400.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 4400.00 RCT2746 Your own busines sell 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 11700.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 11700.00 RCT2823 Your own busines sell 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 5600.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 5600.00 RCT2945 Your own busines sell 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 11200.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 11200.00 RCT3008 Your own busines sell 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 12900.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 12900.00 RCT3109 Your own busines sell 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 11300.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 11300.00 RCT3204 Your own busines sell 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 5900.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 5900.00 RCT3231 Your own busines sell 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 2100.00 Business calculated on your refferal participants 2100.00 SP20C132 Confirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 589000.00 20 Advance bonus 117800.00 SP20U132 Unconfirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 508000.00 20 Advance bonus 101600.00 SP2C132 Confirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 87000.00 2 Direct Sponsors bonus 1740.00 SP2U132 Unconfirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 46000.00 2 Direct Sponsors bonus 920.00 SP2GC132 Confirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 371000.00 1 2nd Generation sponsors bonus 3710.00 SP2GC132 Unconfirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 192000.00 1 2nd Generation sponsors bonus 1920.00 SP3GC132 Confirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 95000.00 0.5 3rd Generation sponsors bonus 475.00 SP3GU132 Unconfirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 142000.00 0.5 3rd Generation sponsors bonus 710.00 SP4GC132 Confirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 18000.00 0.25 4th Generation sponsors bonus 45.00 SP4GU132 Unconfirmed 16-Apr-2013 16-Apr-2013 72000.00 0.25 4th Generation sponsors bonus 180.00               JOIN ME > NOW SEND ME A SMS  > 08685841073  YOUR NAME & E-MAIL>MOBILE NO.>CITY>STATE     Membership Account is Absolutelly Free              JOIN ME > NOW SEND ME A SMS  > 08685841073 MOBILE          YOUR NAME & E-MAILMOBILE NO.  Membership Account is Absolutelly Free WHAT IS &ldquoSECRET TO GET RICH&rdquoDETAILED VIDEO click below linkhttpswww.youtube.comwatch?featureplayerembedded&vyJmBvLhSVkgHERE IS JOINING FREE ALSO U  GIVE ME A CALL FOR JOINING <08685841073  Business Plan           100 BONUS VALID FOR 5TH,MAY,2013   Welcome to Secret To Get Rich, I know all of you are waiting to know what exactly is the Secret To Get Rich. I will like to make it very clear that this is not a get QUICK RICH SCHEME or any type of Networking Company.     , This is a simple MUTUAL AID SYSTEM. Till Date We all have worked for many companies, we have used our credibility to generate business for these companies.   But we have always got LIBILITY in return. By NOW we have evolved from a Networker to Leader & Leader to C.M.D of Your Own Company. , ..   During this journey from a Networker to C.M.D We have always got one thing & that is LIBILITY.  .. .Now I assume that all or maybe most of you have been through this phase of working for other companies and OR have failed miserably in your own venture as C.M.D , So instead of wasting our energies in different direction when all our GOAL is same. , , Why not use our energies in same direction. I hope by now you have understood what I mean to say&hellipNow I will explain how Secret To Get Richis going to work. You all must be aware of Trading BUY & SELL , , Now you must be thinking, what to trade & how I am going to benefited from this system ? ?BUY means GIVE HELP to someone & SELL means GET HELP from someone, We have &ldquoCredence&rdquo ourSecret To Get Rich currency just like our regular currency. &ldquo&rdquo , , Our Mutual Trading Commodity &ldquoCredence&rdquo will grow at 30 for 30 Days Deposit 40 for 60 Days Deposit & 60 for 90 Days Deposit , Just like other currency &ldquoCredence&rdquo have two different exchange rates, one for selling & one for buying &ldquo&rdquo , Each participant can &ldquosell&rdquo or &ldquobuy&ldquo CREDENCE, according to the &ldquorates&rdquo. &ldquoPurchase&rdquo and &ldquosale&rdquo of CREDENCE are carried out by special automatic software on the official website.www.secrettogetrich.in &ldquo&rdquo  www.secrettogetrich.in  The limits for deposit of funds for each participant is minimum 1000 INR to maximum 100 000 INR at a particular time. One person can have only one ID on his name. , Your CREDENCE deposits are confirmed only after you transfer full 100 amount deposited &ndash to another participant. , Participants are given guidance and help in SECRET TO GET RICH by their managers, who in fact control their own teams.Over the ten&rsquos manager &ndash is a hundred&rsquos manager,Over the hundred&rsquos manager &ndash is a thousand&rsquos manager,Over the thousand&rsquos manager &ndash is a CORE TEAM MANAGERandINDIA CO-ORDINATOR , .. -  The System consists of two main buttons GIVE HELP Buy CREDENCE and GET HELP Sell CREDENCE.The moment you register, you press the GIVE HELP Buy CREDENCE button, which means you agree to transfer your money as per request. , &ldquo &rdquo &ldquo &rdquo &ldquo &rdquo , When you want to Get Help Sell CREDENCE, you press the GET HELP button. If participant didn&rsquot buy CREDENCE within two weeks after registration &ndash ID will be automatically deleted from the System. First the System calculates the amount of requests for payments GET HELP button. And then, as per these calculations it will send request for transfers RANDOMLY to the participants GIVE HELP button. Not necessarily, a request for transfer may or may not occur within a month. &ldquo &rdquo , &ldquo &rdquo As per the request of the System, a participant MUST transfer money WITHIN 48 HOURS, from his personal account to the account of the specified participant. Also, the System gives more hours if it is a week-end or holiday. In case the participant refuses to transfer the money as per the System&rsquos request &ndash this particular participant will permanently be DELETED from the System. The particular request is forwarded to another participant.   , Since This is a Mutual Social Financial Structure, There is no owner to this system, We all own this system but for Administrative purpose We have appointed CTM &ldquoCore Team Manager&rdquo , CTM &ldquoCore Team Manager&rdquo Will manage and develop the community of like minded people, who willingly join this system of Financial Mutual Aid without any commitments or liability on them. , , As a CTM &ldquoCore Team Manager&rdquo You will be eligible for 20 Manager Bonus in advance in your E-walletwhich will be released against The GIVE HELP request of your entire Team Work. - , &ldquo &rdquo Selected  CTM &ldquoCore Team Manager&rdquo will get 1 Lac Verified &ldquoCredence&rdquo in there wallet Which shall be released against the VERFIED GIVE HELP requests .. &ldquo &rdquo &ldquo&rdquo - &ldquo &rdquo All CTM&rsquos who en-cash the 1st Assignment of 1 Lac Advance Credence from there on will Receive 2 Lac Advance Verified Credence, These VERIFIED &ldquoCTM&rdquo shall receive 1 Crore Verified Credence in parts onen-cashing previous advance. &ldquo&rdquo CTM&rsquos Business volume is counted on his total Downline Business. Till Unlimited Depth &ldquo &rdquo CTM shall be eligible for Team Bonus as Below  20 Advance En-cashed against entire team volumeDirect Sponsors 2, 2nd Generation 1 ,3rd Generation 0.5, 4thGeneration 0.25,5th Generation 0.01 Till Unlimited Depth , , ., . .Referral &ldquobonus&rdquo is a &ldquobonus&rdquo which a participant will receive for each new participant he introduces to the System. Referral &ldquobonus&rdquo is 10 from the amount deposited. , &zwj Member is eligible for Downline Referral Bonus Only when he becomes 10&rsquos Manager  as belowDirect Referral 10, 1st Generation 5 , 2nd Generation 2 , 3rdGeneration 1 , 4th Generation 0.5 , 5th Generation onwards 0.1 , Unlimited Depth , , , , . . RIGHTS to Join NEW Member is initially  given to &ldquoC.T.M&rdquo Who in return will appoint 10&rsquos manager,Once the Member becomes 10&rsquos Manager he will have RIGHT to add new member. , There is Going to be Regular Deposit Bonuses announced for New & Old members Of SECRET TO GET RICH. LAUNCHING BONUS IS 100 This is ONE TIME OFFER FROM SECRET TO GET RICH Contact Core Team Manager from your region to JOIN US  HERE IS JOINING FREE SEND ME UR E-MAIL & MOBILE NO. > A MSG. ON UR E-MAIL & MOBILE THEN U OPEN HOME PAGE GIVE HELP OPTION ALSO U  GIVE ME A CALL FOR JOINING <>08685841073SO HURRY SEND UR NAME > E-MAIL >MOBILE NO. FOR ME SMS - 08685841073HURRY DON'T MISS IT india  JOIN ME > NOW SEND ME A MAIL >> YOUR NAME & E-MAIL>  Membership Account is Absolutelly Free   <> JOIN ME> NOW SEND ME YOUR NAME & E-MAILMobile <>    info999asiagmail.com  > 08685841073 > info999asiagmail.com      

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