AVS Network marketing Business Plan

Our Business Plan Type of Income Binary Income Referal Income (Binary) Caller Tune Advertisment Income Repurchase Income Awards and Rewards Binary Income Products Value : - 2500/- Rs Chappathi Maker Induction Stove Daily Celing = 9000, Power Carry Forwars Validity 3 Years Referral Income The Binary plan is an organizational plan used by multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations wherein new organization members are introduced into a Binary Tree structure, or a left and a right subtree. A typical MLM binary tree structure. The blue individual will receive compensation from the sales of the downline red members. Normally, one subtree is referred to as a Power Leg while the second subtree is a Profit Leg. You have put the Direct Entry to you Leg U got 10 % Profit. Repurchase Income Online shopping or e-shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online storefront and virtual store. AVS Online is a Online Shopping sit. You are inderduce a customer Purchage garments in AVS Online you got a profit. Caller Tune Advertisement Income Income The new generation of cell phone as vilamparayukti kalartiyun ad putiyapuratciyai been established.AVS Online Caller Tune To deal with the ads on your cell phone, you can earn income by holding. Each deal with the introduction of the provision of Rs 20 to 30 10 to 15 percent of each contract, provided AVS Online Each member of the contract for a maximum of 100 arimukapatutti each person has the opportunity to earn income from 1500 through 1000.

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  • 03 April, 2015
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