8591836834 RONY unique plan JOIN GO-GREENS NGO BANK WITHDRAWL IN 72 HRS ..

HURRY UP LEADER'Swww.go-greens.comLEADERS HURRY UP NEW NGO BASED SURVEY PLAN IN PRELAUNCH STAGE , PAYOUT PROPERLY THROUGH BANK ACCOUNT   SO DON'T WASTE UR TIME ...  FOR DETAIL CONTACT - RONY  - 7696674179 OR MAIL me  in  - gogreensngogmail.com  For BusinessesWELCOMEYou&rsquove made the right decision to discover ways to make your business more green, more efficient and more profitable.Please select a topic from the navigation bar on the left or below to get started GREEN UP MY POWER Information on buying green power, carbon credits and conserving energy. BUYING GREEN Information on selection of products and services. RUNNING A GREEN BUSINESS Information on green business practices, new construction and remodeling, and how to become a green business.We encourage you to join the movement as by purchasing a GREEN PACKAGE of  Value 4000 Green Points. 1000 GREEN POINTS INTERNATIONAL GO GREEN GROUP MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 6 MONTHS 1500 GREEN POINTS FOR PLANTATION PROMOTION PROGRAM 500 GREEN POINTS FOR USING ONLINE SERVICES 1000 GREEN POINTS FOR ONLINE PURCHASMENT BOOKING OF PLANTS AND SEEDS FROM AVAILABLE STOCKS   The above package cost is non refundable. Accounts should be activated within 15 days of date of registration.Income OpportunityThis also gives you an opportunity to earn as below. Customers will get weekly 4 survey QUESTIONS on hisher mobile no. For each survey he completes, he will be given 100 Green Points as a bonus. He shall get above income for 25 weeks. GOLD achievers will get 1 additional survey PER WEEK.Binary IncomeWe are also giving away more if you introduce members to complete these surveys. First Binary ratio 12 or 21  First pair achiever called as a GOLD FIRST BINARY WILL BE OF 2000 Green Points Next Binary ratio 11 600 Green Points Weekly Capping for every Customer is 40200 Green Points Closing for the calculation will be on Friday Midnight. 300 GREEN POINTS FOR DIRECT REFERRAL 5 SURVEY INCOME FROM EVERY DIRECT OR SPILL REAL TIME FLUSH INCOME FUND FORMATION CERTIFICATE WILL BE ISSUED FROM FLUSHED BINARY INCOME.Deduction 15 for Bank withdraw 5 for pin generation 2   for internal transferIT WILL TAKE 10 WORKING DAYS TO  CREDIT  THE AMOUNT IN BANK AC.Renewal Procedure We will allow all members to renew their accounts after 6 month of joining. The renewal can be done by purchasing Renewal Package from us. The cost of the Renewal Package will be 4000 Green Points. You will be given period of 5 days for renewal. Renewal has to be done within 6 month from the date of Activation. If you do not renew, you will not be eligible for any type of income after that..FOR DETAIL CONTACT  -  RONY  7696674179   gogreensngogmail.com  OR SEND UR NAME , CITY NAME , PRESENT MLM COMPANY IN MY CELL OR IN MY MAIL ID ...               « Mar                                                                    

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  • 30 November, -0001
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